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"the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence"
     The hard sciences endeavor to explain and understand the mechanisms of nature, how they work and what they are made of. Philosophy goes beyond physics and chemistry and asks a deeper question then how or what, and that is why?  Why is there something rather than nothing? Philosophy also examines the structures of arguments and reasoning from the data the hard sciences produce.

     Without logical reasoning, it is very hard to discover and argue truth. When I say argue I don't mean quarrel, I mean presenting reasons that support a conclusion. We are living in a day when many are forgoing logical reasoning and researching truth and promoting assertions because they go along with their world views.

     It is important to have good reasons to believe what you believe or else you are no more convincing than Monte Python below.
     Historical sciences like evolution, the origins of the universe and the origins of life on earth all use a reasoning method called the inference to the best explanation. This is inductive/abductive reasoning and it does not prove anything, but it does help to get at truth by analyzing the data and inferring the best explanation for it.

    For example, on the home page you saw the video from Dr. James Tour showing that scientists have no clue about the cause of the universe, or life began on earth. Atheists scientists infer from this none evidence that the universe spontaneously popped into existence, and design theorists infer that a transcendent intelligent agent caused the universe to come into existence.

     The former idea has no support as leading astrophysicists said on the home page, so that inference is solely due to opposition to a designer. What about design then, where does that inference come from?

1. The fine tuning of the constants and values of the universe for intelligent life
2. What ever caused the universe to come into existence had to be outside time, and space, and immensely powerful
3. The cosmological argument that states what ever has come into existence has a cause.
4. The initial conditions that had to be present in the universe from its very inception
5. Evidence of design in nature, and biology that points to an intelligent cause

Design in Biology

     One of the strongest evidences for design in biology is the digital coding of DNA. Scientists like professor of mathematics John Lennox of Cambridge University say that the  information embedded in life points intuitively to an intelligence.

God or Science

     God or science isn't the question we should be asking because to get the whole picture, we must understand both the mechanisms the operate in the universe, as well as the agency that may have caused them. Scientists understand the laws of physics and thermodynamics but they cannot say why these laws exists in the first place. Before the Big Bang, there was nothing, no laws, no space, no time, no energy. So what caused it? Where did the laws come from? These are the questions philosophers are asking.

     For example, science can explain a baked cake in regard to chemistry, physics and thermodynamics, but it can't explain why the cake was baked. Another example closer to biological mechanisms and machines would be the scientific explanation of the model T ford automobile. Science can describe and explain all its characteristics in regard to combustion and mechanical engineering, but it can't say anything about its builder Henry Ford. The Model T is the mechanism science investigates and describes, Henry Ford is the agency who brought it into being for a purpose.
     Physical sciences cannot address things that are  metaphysical in nature. like consciousness, awareness and moral values and duties. On my blog (click image), you can read about how new studies suggest we live on after our hearts stop.
     In the book of Romans chapter 1 verse 20 it say; "God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made. The question isn't God or Science, it is God plus Science.

     There are good reasons why scientist believe our existence is tied to an intelligent agent. These reasons are not blind faith but rooted in logical inductive reasoning. The universe is more than naturalistic materialism, and science is more than what can be repeated in a laboratory. There is only one reason for someone to dismiss outright that God does not exist, and that is because they don't want him to.

     Challenge yourself, visit my blog and YouTube channel then do some research yourself.
     Is it more reasonable to say the universe came from nothing, or that it came from something? The universe had no cause, or had some cause? Does the universe and life itself have purpose and meaning, or is life meaningless?
     Renown atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins puts it like this;
"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect... nothing but blind pitiless indifference.”

[Dawkins; The Blind Watchmaker, p.133]
     Modern Science has not distanced humanity from its ancient faith in God, it has made belief in God more reasonable, not less. Shutting down discussion is infantile and unproductive. Ignorance and name calling betray a weak position, so we must keep an open mind and evaluate the arguments logically and fairly. We may still disagree, but at least we will have good reasons to disagree.
     Albert Einstein once said,

“The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.”

And although he was not a Christian, he was careful not to dismiss ideas in favor of a new religion, scientism.
"I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being."

[Letter to Guy H. Raner Jr. (28 September 1949), from article by Michael R. Gilmore in Skeptic magazine,
Vol. 5, No. 2, 1997]

Albert Einstein